Wolfgang Kratsch is Professor for Applied AI at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and co-founder of credium.
In his role as a researcher at Fraunhofer FIT and Research Center FIM, Wolfgang investigates data-driven process management as well as the application of AI in this context of process management.
Episode 56
The Rise of Intelligent Machines: Insights on AI and Unstructured Data from Wolfgang Kratsch
Our special guest
Wolfgang Kratsch

Wolfgang Kratsch
Co-Founder of credium & Professor for Applied AI at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Episode Content
Join us in this exciting episode where we dive deep into the world of AI technology. Our guest, Wolfgang Kratsch, an expert in the field of AI, shares his insights on the latest developments in chatbots, generative AI, unstructured data, and the future of AI. In this episode, we explore how chatbots and generative AI are transforming the way we work and interact with machines. We also delve into the power of unstructured data and its impact on AI technology.
But that's not all, we also tackle the age-old question: will AI take over the world? Tune in to find out!
If you're interested in AI, technology, and innovation, don't miss out on this informative and thought-provoking episode.
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